Join us for a 6-week series to design a supportive and sustainable workflow for your business, body, and spirit so you can shift from scattered and stressed to easeful and effective.

<aside> ▶️ $333 or two payments of $166.50 Enrollment opens in August. Join the waitlist to get first access to registration + Early Bird pricing.




🌑 So many of us started our businesses because we wanted our humanity included in our work.

Whether that meant having more space in the day, flexibility to care for ourselves and our families, or having our work fully align with our values, we had some vision of a less draining and more fulfilling life.

But despite our best intentions, some of us leave harmful work environments only to find ourselves becoming the toxic bosses we were trying to avoid.

This can look like:

On the other hand, some of us have become so resistant to structure that it's now hard to get ideas off the ground or make consistent progress.

This can look like:

🌒 Over the years, we've seen clients prioritize outcomes over joy, health, relationships, and peace of mind, often viewing high stress and suffering in business as inevitable.

It often doesn't occur to folks that ease, spaciousness, or just straight-up feeling good are even on the menu.

This is not your fault or your personal psychology.

The very concept of 'business' under capitalism was never meant to include and nourish our humanity. It creates a binary, a continuous loop of having to choose between our business and everything else and never quite feeling like we made the right choice.

We believe that to thrive, we have to let go of this either/or mentality and stop compartmentalizing the various aspects of our lives as if they're at odds with each other.

You started a business that aligns with your values and expresses your gifts. So why does your business feel like a nagging boss instead of what it is—a platform for your unique way of serving others?

Here's why: We have yet to learn how to integrate, and integration is the key to harmonizing our experience.

For all the pieces of our lives to work with instead of against each other, we need a structure that supports our natural rhythms.

No one way of working works for everyone. We all have unique ways of being that deserve space to exist.

When there's too much structure, we compromise our creative expression. When there's not enough structure, we stay lost in the weeds.

To get out of the work/life binary, we need a workflow that includes our whole selves. We need to approach our work as a practice instead of a means to an end.

We invite you to begin your year with a grounded approach and a wealth of support to find your ideal workflow for your business, body, and spirit.


<aside> ▶️ Enrollment opens in August. Join the waitlist to get first access to registration + Early Bird pricing.




🌓 What’s Included?

Rhythm + Ritual is a live 6-week series beginning on Monday, October 7, with the first live call on Saturday, October 12.

You get:

🌔 The Curriculum

🌌 Module 1: Beginning

Here, we'll assess where we're starting and how we currently move through our day. What's working? What needs more attention? What's flowing? What's stuck? We'll also introduce the concept of rhythms and rituals as our biggest allies in achieving sustainability in life and business.

🕯️ Module 2: Clearing

This week, we'll identify and unpack how we get in our own way. What habits, routines, or lack thereof, lead us away from our ideal? What is making us feel scattered or heavy? We'll introduce ways to clear the clutter in our minds as well as our physical and digital spaces.

🪁 Module 3: Envisioning

In this module, we'll articulate what you want your life and business to feel and look like. We'll cover all the bases, including health, relationships, finances, spirituality, community connection, and impact. How do you want to feel when you wake up each day? How do you want your clients to feel after working with you? How do you want to show up in your community? With the space to dream, we'll uncover the details of our vision and learn how to set intentions that genuinely reflect and affect these outcomes.

🌿 Module 4: Grounding

Now, it's time to come down to earth and create tangible structures, routines, and processes that support our visions and make them real. Here, we will fully connect with ourselves, our bodies, and our environment as we embark on the path of Rhythm + Ritual.

🌊 Module 5: Flowing

Connecting to ourselves is not an exercise in rugged individualism. This module is about taking the energy we've cultivated and beginning to engage in the natural flow and exchange with others. This includes our loved ones, colleagues, clients, the broader community, and people we have yet to meet.

🧬 Module 6: Integrating

In our last module, we create space for the practices, reflections, and learnings to settle into our systems. We'll discuss the road ahead and ways to stay accountable to ourselves and each other to sustain everything we've built.

<aside> ▶️ Enrollment opens in August. Join the waitlist to get first access to registration + Early Bird pricing.



🌕 The Results

This series is for you if…

This series is NOT for you if…
